How do you feel about life? Recently, I’ve been trying to calm my mind down. I think having more control over my mind, and the thoughts that enter it, will allow me to be able to set the goals with a clear mind, make better decisions and more importantly have much better overall health.
The mind is the place that seems to get the least attention. I’m assuming that’s the case because it’s not something we can directly see. There is no outward appearance of the mind; its not like having abs or huge arms. Evidence of a healthy mind is displayed through personality, speech and growth. In my culture, mental clarity practices such as meditation is not to popular. We are normally telling one another to work harder and stay awake longer but, never really giving the mind the respect it deserves. Without it, we would not be able to achieve much at all. So, lets change our approach in regard to the mind.
Meditation has been an interesting experience so far. I wake up every morning, get a glass of water, sit in my normal spot on the couch, turn on the Calm app and meditate for about 10 minutes. I try my best to focus on my breathing but, so many random thoughts have been popping up in my head, it makes the entire experience more difficult. That’s expected though, its supposed to take time building up the muscle that allows an individual to develop some level of mental clarity and focus. The journey to the goal is always the most enjoyable experience.
After meditation, I write down my experience of that meditation session as well as my intention for the day. This helps me unpack what I just experience along with giving me the ability to strive for something throughout the day. The key to this though, is to make sure you visit the daily goal and intention that you wrote down at the end of the day to reflect and determine if you accomplished your goal. If something that you wrote down was not accomplished, no problem, just move it to the next day. Give yourself less tasks if you continue to find yourself moving things to the next day. Keep it minimal and chip away each day at your goals rather than trying to cut down the whole tree at once.
Let me know what you guys think about meditation. What is your ritual before you start meditation and how do you feel afterwards?
Clear your mind, you will be happy that you did it.
Thanks for reading,
Marcus Cowan